Opportunities for remote earnings in the field of SMM in 2022
How To Earn Money With Social Media: We figure out what specialties can be mastered in the field of SMM, what skills will be needed, and what you will have to do. We share proven methods of remote earnings on the Internet for those who know how to work with social networks.
From 2020 to 2022, the labor market has changed significantly. Many workers have switched to remote work, and even those who were not allowed to do this by the nature of their work appreciated the benefits of making money on the Internet and the possibility of mastering Internet professions.
In the article, we will tell you exactly how you can get a job with skills in the field of SMM and what are the ways to earn money for an SMM specialist.
Professions and skills that can be mastered in the field of SMM
SMM has long been at the peak of popularity. This direction is chosen by many beginners with no experience or those who want to radically change their professional field and start making money on the Internet. But like any other profession, the field of SMM requires a serious approach and the availability of at least basic knowledge in the field of content marketing.
SMM/social media specialist
More on how to earn money with social media, The most general specialty, which can combine many other areas of activity in the field of SMM, is the position that all beginners who do not have deep knowledge in something specific fall into at the start.
In other words, an SMM specialist is a multi-armed Shiva who has basic skills in SMM and maintains one or more small accounts on a turnkey basis.
The main goal of the specialist’s work is to build successful communication between the brand and its potential customers: to increase the level of trust and motivate them to take targeted actions (leave an application, order a product or service, ensure interaction with advertising, go to the website, etc.)
His duties may include:
- creation, design, and development of profiles and groups in social networks;
- analysis of competitors, audience, and the market as a whole;
- development of a promotion strategy in social networks, monthly writing of content plans;
- setting up advertising (advertising / retargeting), tracking its effectiveness, adjusting advertising campaigns;
- budget planning and reporting;
- communication with subscribers;
- content generation: writing texts, creating and processing photos, shooting videos, creating infographics, illustrations;
- working with opinion leaders, buying advertising, mutual PR, working with reputation;
- achieving the set KPIs (for example, receiving a certain number of applications, increasing coverage, and attracting new subscribers);
- planning and organizing contests, drawings, and other activities.
To perform some tasks that the customer sets before the SMM specialist, it is necessary to have certain skills:
- understand the specifics of promotion in different social networks;
- know the possibilities and limitations of each of the sites;
- be able to correctly formulate their thoughts orally and in writing, write "catchy" texts;
- have the skills to work with graphic editors, photo and video processing services, photo stocks;
- have experience in setting up advertising and working with advertising accounts of social networks;
- understand how to work with analytics services and evaluate the effectiveness of the promotion.
When a specialist accumulates enough experience, and there are too many projects and tasks to handle alone, he begins to think about opportunities for professional growth. One of these options is the choice of specialization. A specialist can choose to work with a specific social network or start developing in a narrower profession, for example, becoming an SMM designer or a herpetologist.
Copywriters / Content Managers
In this article on how to earn money with social media, SMM copywriters are specialists who write texts for social networks. The difference between ordinary copywriters and commercial authors is that the texts for each of the social networks have their characteristics and differ in volume and delivery methods.
Skills that are required for specialists who create texts for social networks:
- literacy and the ability to write "live" texts that solve the problems of readers and get a response;
- the ability to draw up and/or work with content plans, plan the frequency of publications;
- knowledge of the features and limitations of social networks;
- content writing and publishing skills;
- the ability to find and verify information, and work with experts.
Administrators / Moderators / Community Managers
The main task of community managers, administrators, and moderators in social networks is to maintain communication with the audience. They are the "voice of the brand" and with the help of their skills form the image of the company in the information field.
Community Managers can:
- work out the negative and work with the reputation of the company;
- adjust activity in communities and under posts: provoke and support heated discussions, direct communication in the right direction;
- form the right image of the company, adhering to the rules of communication with customers;
- process applications and appeals;
- accompany potential customers from the moment they first met the company to the completion of a targeted action (for example, buying a product or leaving an application).
Specialists responsible for communicating with readers and potential clients must have creative thinking, and tact, understand the psychology of communication and feel the emotions of people have increased stress resistance, the ability to resolve conflict situations with clients, and know how to act in any controversial moments.
To improve the efficiency of community managers, some companies develop special scripts or rules for communicating with clients that help develop tactics in difficult situations without harming the company's image.
Story makers
More this article on how to earn money with social media, Specialists working with video stories on social networks are called story makers, story managers, story makers, or story designers. They can do all the work on their own or advise a blogger.
They are responsible for the whole range of work with stories:
- shooting or preparing a video sent by a blogger;
- processing and design of stories;
- selection of fonts, backgrounds, gifs, and placement of signatures;
- overlay music and filters;
- story analytics, identifying topics that “enter”;
- selection of the optimal time for posting;
- creation of advertising layouts;
- publishing stories or setting up auto-posting services.
Also, story makers can create games that increase user activity and motivate them to send reactions to stories.
The main quality that distinguishes all story designers is creativity. Their work is never boring and monotonous. They are constantly in the process of generating ideas, searching for new trends, and trying new formats for shooting and presenting content.
SMM designers, illustrators
SMM designers and illustrators are responsible for preparing images for publication on social networks. Designers form from scratch or adhere to the ready-made brand style of a company or person, they are responsible for the overall graphic concept of social networks.
Specialists responsible for the visual filling of the profile are engaged in:
- creating images for posts;
- drawing infographics and illustrations;
- creating animations;
- photo processing;
- profile design: creating avatars, hats, covers of eternal stories, drawing menus, branded stickers, and gifs.
To get a job as an SMM designer, you must:
- have skills in working with raster and vector graphics editors;
- understand the basics of composition, color;
- be able to work with fonts and typography;
- know current design trends;
- understand the principles of psychology and perception of information;
- be able to generate unique content and create creatives;
- know how to optimize graphic images;
- have basic animation skills.
Targetologists / specialists in setting up targeted advertising
A herpetologist is a specialist who is engaged in placing and setting up advertising on social networks and the MyTarget system. To work as an advertising setup specialist, it is not enough just to know advertising accounts and be able to run ads.
The specialist must be able to:
- correctly identify the target audience and identify its needs;
- generate advertising creatives, or in other words banners: write “catchy” text, prepare images that will attract attention and make you click on the desired ad;
- know the limitations and possibilities of social networks and services;
- be able to analyze the results of advertising campaigns and work with services and analytics tools.
Just like an SMM specialist, a tautologist is a specialist who must know related areas: marketing, and web analytics, be proficient in graphic and video editors, and be able to write catchy texts.
Blogger Managers / Influence Marketers
Influence marketers or bloggers are people who promote products and services on behalf of influencers who have the trust of an audience.
Such a specialist should be able to:
- analyze bloggers, their audience, select the most relevant ones;
- make forecasts on the expected effect of the blogger's promotion;
- plan budgets;
- develop a promotion strategy, understand its goals;
- negotiate with bloggers or their managers;
- be able to quickly resolve force majeure situations, find compromise solutions.
The work only at first glance seems simple - I agreed with the blogger, received advertising and the client's sales increased significantly. Everything is not so fabulous. It is impossible to let everything take its course and come to a random blogger for advertising, there will be no effect from this.
A Blogger Specialist does a great job of selecting the right blogger and carefully studies how interested their audience is in the product or product offered. For example, it is inefficient to come to a beauty blogger with an advertisement for construction tools.
Tips from the article “How to order advertising from a blogger and not waste your budget” will help you choose the right blogger for advertising
Blogger Ad Manager / Blogger Personal Assistant
Blogger managers or personal assistants are people who take the load off big bloggers and take on all their routine work that they cannot or do not have time to do.
Managers can help:
- with the purchase of advertising;
- writing and designing posts, assisting in filming, selecting locations, props, etc.;
- help in organizing giveaways and raffles, organize them, select sponsors;
- be responsible for the blogger's indirect, comments, communication with advertisers;
- plan budgets and work with documents;
- work with and/or manage a team of blogger specialists;
- work with blogger exchanges, analytics services, and blogger verification services.
When cooperating with a blogger, you need to always be in touch, and be able to quickly resolve any issues, and it is desirable to have skills in sales, SMM, PR, and digital marketing.
It is rather problematic to separate SMM professionals and figures who should be responsible for what, and what skills to have for employment. Most often, there are universal soldiers, whom employers call SMM specialists, and their duties are very vague. More unique professions can be found in large companies, but the definition of the name of the vacancy, the salary level, and the required functionality is left to the head.
Possible formats of work and ways to earn money in SMM
If you have not yet decided on the type of activity that is closest to you, but is sure that you are attracted to the SMM sphere, consider possible formats of work.
A specialist working in the company
The first and most affordable option for any specialist is to get a job in the staff of one of the companies. This will help you quickly gain experience in combat conditions, give you teamwork skills and help you understand in which direction you want to develop further.
Getting a job in an office is a rational solution if you do not have:
- experience of independent search of clients;
- work experience as such;
- the ability to organize the workplace and plan their working time;
- the opportunity to build work at home in silence and a working environment.
It is worth adding that a full-time employee, as a rule, receives a rather modest remuneration for his work, does not have the opportunity to choose which projects to work on, works on tasks full time, and is usually a “jack of all trades” in terms of functionality.
Remote (from a company or agency)
Getting a job in one of the companies you can:
- Immediately choose a remote format of work. For example, if you live far from the company's office and will not be able to visit the workplace at all.
- Discuss with the employer the possibility of sometimes coming to the office. For example, once a week to get new tasks or to get to a meeting with a client.
- Consider the option of working in the office (for example, a few months until you gain experience) with the subsequent transition to a remote work format.
As an advantage of remote earnings on SMM, one can note the ability to have remote work in several places at once and/or combine it with one's projects. Thus, you determine the number of earnings and can regulate your workload.
Managing client projects
The most popular type of income in the field of SMM is that you recruit several client projects on your own and lead them on a turnkey basis.
The range of tasks in managing client projects can be very different: somewhere you just need to write and post posts, and somewhere you need to take full custody of the social networks of a company or brand and work for a marketer, tautologist, copywriter, designer, videographer and all other specialists, which they decided to save on when they hired you.
Affiliate marketing
You can earn money by using services that have affiliate programs and posting affiliate links on your own and client social networks.
For the most part, services will provide bonuses and discounts for placing such links in using their service, but there are also those that charge money for clicking on links and allow them to be withdrawn to their bank cards and accounts.
SMMplanner is one of these services, its affiliate program allows you to:
- receive 10% for each user attracted by the link;
- use the received bonuses in the service itself and with its partners: SMM.school and Pepper. Ninja;
- withdraw earnings.
Creating your courses
When there is already more than enough experience, satisfied customers, and successful cases of promotion in social networks, the idea arises of creating your information products, namely training courses for SMM specialists.
Courses can have two purposes:
- The primary goal of creating a course is to get paid for sharing your skills and experiences.
- There are too many clients and projects, and not enough hands. It becomes problematic to find a specialist with the necessary skills, and the idea comes to train yourself and take the best to your team.
You should approach creating your course with all responsibility because your reputation will directly depend on the quality of the product you create. When developing materials, you should not use publicly available information, and even more so someone else's content. Resale of someone else's course or any other copyrighted material will surface very quickly and at best will bring bad reviews, and at worst - criminal liability and heavy fines.
Sale of paid consultations on SMM
Having your brand and certain fame, you can not only do monotonous work with your hands but also give feedback for money.
For example, you can pay for:
- audit client profiles;
- advise on the maintenance and development of the profile;
- analyze competitors and identify competitive advantages.
Creation of your agency
At some point, an understanding comes that even having trained assistants for yourself and sharing part of your projects with them, it is impossible to control everything yourself and at the same time do your work “by hand”. You either work on your projects or organize and supervise the work of others.
This is where the idea of starting your own business comes in. From now on, your work will be as follows:
- Search and attraction of new clients. At the start, no one can present the company better than its creator.
- Search and work by performers. Find suitable specialists, establish communication with them, agree on the format of work, train, and introduce them to projects.
- Monitoring the implementation of tasks and supervising projects. At first, constant control will be needed, because customers came to your name and personal brand. But the better the processes within the new agency will be debugged, the less your intervention will be needed.
Maintaining and earning on your blogs
Another way to make money is to start and promote your blog. It can become both the only way to earn money or become an addition to the main job or client projects.
You can make money from your blog with the help of:
- self-selling advertising directly to advertisers;
- work with platforms through which advertisers look for suitable bloggers and platforms for advertising;
- Search for advertisers through competitors - we look at who was advertised, we offer services to the advertiser, and we get a similar offer.
The main condition that will allow you to earn money from advertising is the presence of at least 5-10 thousand live and not cheated subscribers who are interested in the chosen topic. Blogs with a smaller audience are not of interest to advertisers. Up to this number, the audience will have to be attracted organically and buy ads from larger influencers on your topic.
Having your blog, you can try different ways of promotion and experiment with formats and presentation of content at your discretion. Only you decide how readers will see it and what information you will broadcast with it.
Maintaining private profiles with a paid subscription
In many professional fields, information is constantly changing and can become outdated in a matter of months or even days. Therefore, they can't release a training course or information product one day, forget about it and sell records. An example is the beauty industry: new trends, techniques, and technologies are constantly appearing here.
For an audience that needs constant training, advanced training, and fresh and relevant information, you can create a closed community in one of the social networks. To receive monetization from a profile, it must not be public and open.
An example of a closed paid training profile
Access to a profile with valuable information can be opened after one of two types of payment:
- one-time entry fee;
- monthly paid subscription.
To lead and develop such a project, you need to have your brand and an audience that trusts you as a specialist understands the value of information, and is ready to pay for it.
"Easy money" that does not require special knowledge
You can get a small income as schoolchildren or a student without skills in SMM by performing monotonous simple actions, such as:
- leaving comments;
- likes;
- subscriptions to profiles in social networks;
- reposts of records;
- visiting profiles.
For this type of earnings at home via the Internet, you must have live profiles in one or more social networks and registration on one of the sites that give tasks.
After registering with the service, you will begin to receive tasks and bonuses for their successful completion. After your work is verified by the service, it will be possible to withdraw funds using one of the payment systems.
Assistance in the promotion of goods in social networks
You will not surprise anyone with the promotion and sale of goods and services through websites and mobile applications, many businesses have successfully established themselves and operate in the vastness of the network.
With the development of social networks and their functionality, they also begin to have opportunities for setting up and developing online stores. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to create your store on VKontakte, Facebook* and Instagram* without having the skills and knowledge in web development.
You can create, customize and develop other people's (client) online stores on social networks or promote your own.
When trying to sell goods and services on social networks, you should not forget about the balance between audience engagement and direct sales attempts. People won't buy products on a half-empty profile that posts hundreds of new product posts a day. It is better to demonstrate the assortment in a dosed way while working to increase the customer base, develop good reviews, and increase brand trust.
Creating masks for social networks
This article how to earn money with social media, Since 2019, Instagram* has allowed all its users to create AR masks for stories on their own. Augmented reality masks help users diversify and make their videos more unique. Social network users use both simple masks with superimposed filters and try on well-known bunny ears, huge eyes like in Japanese cartoons, and chubby cute cheeks.
In addition to pampering and entertainment, this technology can benefit the business and help in promotion. To receive a mask, a person must be subscribed to the mask developer.
Masks can be used by companies:
- For sweepstakes and contests. For example, by completing some task in the story using a mask, the client receives a discount, a promo code, or has a chance to participate in a prize draw.
- For the direct sale of goods. The company's products can be placed in an AR mask, and the client can try them on or see how they fit into his interior.
- As a native advertisement for a company or brand. When a blogger sees your branded mask, users like it and want to use the same one. Users go to your profile, subscribe, and take the desired mask.
Not all companies have the ability, desire, and resources to develop masks themselves, so the demand for designers and 3D developers who create such tools for promotion is growing.
An example of audience engagement through the use of masks by a well-known brand
By creating masks to order, you can receive an average of 15,000 to 50,000 rubles from each client for one single mask for your work.
Create and sell post templates
Not all companies, bloggers, and specialists who maintain their profiles on social networks are ready to pay for the unique creation of each post or arrange them on their own. Some want to define several publication formats at once, order text and graphics for each of the formats, and then use these templates.
Examples of post templates
You can create templates for clients' social networks using graphic and 3D editors and special services.
Creation of games for social networks to order
You can engage users and increase profile coverage using games in posts and stories. Bloggers and companies know about this and actively use this tool.
An example of a game in a post by the Ecomilk brand
With games you can:
- diversify stories with formats of communication with subscribers, where they control the actions of a blogger;
- entertain the audience with puzzles, quizzes, hidden objects, etc.;
- run a marathon in stories;
- increase direct sales by leaving a link to a product or service at the end of the game.
To create simpler games, online editors such as Canva, TextSwag (for Android) and Word Swag (for iPhone) phone apps will suffice. With more complex ones, one cannot do without design skills, creating animation, and video editing.
Also, you read this article on how to earn money with social media, Earnings in social networks have long ceased to seem like a ghostly prospect, and the profession itself is no longer perceived as an occupation for schoolchildren and students. However, such work, like any other, requires a serious approach and constant improvement of skills.
At the start, it is unlikely that you will be able to receive a huge income, but, with the growth of competencies and the development of new tools and services, there are good chances to start working with large clients, to acquire a stable and constantly growing remote income.
To acquaint me with a new profession and help to get the first projects can study at the school of promotion in social networks SMM.school. At an affordable price, you will receive training in the basics of marketing and working with social networks, and you will be able to put the acquired skills into practice during the training.
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