What is Freelancer?


What is freelancing and how to work as a freelancer?

What is Freelancer: In this article, you will learn everything a beginner needs to start a freelancing career. Basics, ways to earn money, professions in demand on the Internet, where to start, and how to get the first money via the Internet. At the end of the article, there will be useful materials and bonuses.

What is Freelancer?

The content of the article:

  1. What is freelancing?
  2. What can be done?
  3. What do you need to know and be able to do?
  4. How much can you earn?
  5. Freelancing pros and cons
  6. How to start freelancing?
  7. Where to look for customers? Reviews of useful sites
  8. How to avoid deception?
  9. How to register for an activity and do I need to pay taxes?
  10. Additional materials

What is freelancing and who is a freelancer?

In simple terms, freelancing is self-employment, a private practice. Most often, freelancers are specialists in the field of IT, advertising, and marketing, representatives of creative fields who themselves look for orders, fulfill them, and get paid for them.

However, freelance work is possible without special education. For example, on the Internet, there are such ways to earn money as completing simple tasks, rewriting texts in your own words ( rewriting ), and transcribing audio and video files. Of course, having a profession in demand on the network, you can earn from 50-60 to 100 thousand PKR a month or more.

Gradually, the Internet appears its slang. For example, freelancing means making money through the network.

Unlike remote work, a freelancer is not a full-time employee. His relationship with the client is not regulated by the Labor Code. On the one hand, this is an advantage, since you can decide for yourself when and how much to work. But there are also disadvantages. For example, there is no paid vacation.

We told what kind of work it is and what its essence is. Now let's move on to ways to earn money.

What can you do freelancing?

The services in demand on the Internet are:

Copywriting, that is, writing texts, articles, and posts on social networks to order. The easiest way is to become an SEO copywriter. If you like creative work, then you can become a creative copywriter. They get more money. These professions are often chosen by novice freelancers.

Development of sites and online stores. It allows you to make good money both on creating sites and on their further support and promotion.

Earnings on the services of a designer. Demand is the development of design for websites, landings, as well as the services of graphic designers - logos, corporate identity.

Creation of illustrations, that is drawings for books, magazines, and websites. To do this freelance work, you need to be able to draw on a computer.

Composition of poems, congratulations, lyrics. Such services are ordered by the organizers of holidays, and birthdays.

Video editing. For example, videos on YouTube. Such services are often ordered by bloggers.

You can also earn money by completing simple tasks on different sites.

What do you need to know and be able to earn?

For freelancing, it is ideal to have skills and knowledge for which you are willing to pay well on the Internet. For example, writing texts, programming, creating designs or illustrations, editing videos, making banners, and maintaining social networks. If there are no skills, then you can do work that does not require special training or independently master a new profession from scratch.

You can take online courses and master one of the most sought-after professions. Good preparation can be obtained at the online university of Neurology. Experts teach there, there is an opportunity to watch live webinars and ask questions. There are also other sites with courses on the Internet, for example, Skillbox (lectures are recorded, there are practical tasks), Imba.ru (they have a license from the Ministry of Education), and Brunoyam.com ( there are face-to-face courses and an online format), Yandex. difficult, but interesting, they train programmers and testers). Thousands of students from different cities study there.

Many beginners start by learning how to complete simple projects and earn money on sites like Quark. As experienced and knowledge grow, they move on to more complex and monetary orders.

Since the freelancer himself is looking for orders, the skills of communicating with people, presenting services, and sales will come in handy. It will not be superfluous to understand psychology, to know the rules of business etiquette.

How much can you earn?

More on What is Freelancer, The income of successful freelancers in almost any profession is in the range of 40-50 to 120-150 thousand PKR per month. In the field of IT, advertising, marketing, promotion, and SMM, you can earn more than 100 thousand PKR. Polls conducted by the Kadrof.ru website show that about 10% of freelance artists earn even more.

The level of income in freelancing depends on the experience and qualifications of the contractor, the number of projects he leads, and the solvency of customers. On average, a good specialist can receive 1.5-2 times more than he would be paid in the office for the same job.

If you know English, you can look for clients on foreign freelance exchanges. This will allow you to earn in currency and get more money. For example, the rates of programmers abroad can be $30-50 per hour or more - this is 5,400 to 9,000 PKR per hour of work at the current rate.

How to start freelancing

  • Choose what services you will provide or what you will do. To do this, see the articles in the section about Ways to make money on the Internet. We recommend that you choose what interests you. This is the foundation of freelancing success.
  • Watch free lessons on YouTube for your chosen profession. Learn the basics of the software to gain the skills you need to get the job done. You can learn a lot on your own.
  • Determine the list of services that you will offer and the prices for them. Do not ask customers how much they are willing to pay. Such questions give out beginners who do not know the value of their work. It’s better to look at competitors for how much they charge and ask for about the same.
  • Make a portfolio. These can be projects for friends, acquaintances, or public organizations. It is important to have examples of work that you can show to potential clients.
  • Register on exchanges and sites for freelancers. Place your portfolio and offer to place orders everywhere.
  • At the start, do not chase expensive orders. First, it is important to gain experience and develop a client base. Therefore, try to take projects not with the highest prices, but which you will do well and get positive feedback.
  • As your experience grows, increase your rates and move on to more profitable projects.

Where to look for clients?

Reviews of popular sites where you can look for freelancing orders:

Freelance and remote work exchanges: more than 100 sites.

Telegram channels for freelancers

Best Freelance Sites

Exchanges and applications for the self-employed

Jobs for copywriters in studios and agencies

56 sites for making money on the Internet

36 sites for finding remote work

50 projects for designers

How to avoid deception?

As in any business, freelance has certain risks of encountering dishonest customers. To lower them:

Collect information about the client: reviews, and customer ratings on the stock exchange before starting cooperation.

Don't agree to do large test tasks for free.

Don't hoard work that you haven't been paid for. For example, do not undertake to write 10 articles with payment after delivery. Better ask to pay for each article.

Do not pay insurance premiums and do not agree to work through unverified guarantors. Do not provide clients with confidential data that can be used to gain access to your accounts, or bank cards.

Offer clients to break projects into parts with payment after the delivery of each stage. For example, you were ordered to design a website. You make a layout - you get paid. Prepare the layout - get the next tranche. You set up the CMS and integrate the design into it - again you get a part of the fee, etc.

Look at the articles in the section about Fraud and scams. They will help you avoid many of the risks that come with freelancing.

Registration of activities and taxes

Previously, freelancers issued IP and used a simplified taxation system. Now it is preferred if you work with legal entities. If private individuals order your services, then you can register as self-employed.

The advantage of this solution is minimal taxes, no bureaucracy, and no need to keep accounts. All that is required is to download the application from the tax office, register in it, and record all your transactions. Taxes will be deducted from the balance of the card that you specify in the application.

By law, self-employed people can also work with legal entities, but in practice, many companies do not yet know how to formalize relations with such performers. Therefore, for a legal entity, the status of an individual entrepreneur (IP) is clearer.

Additional materials

Download the book How to Become a Freelancer. You will learn how to start a freelance career, where to look for clients, and how to overcome difficulties. Distributed for free. You can share the book with friends and acquaintances.

Subscribe to Freelance TV Channel. Here they tell you how to make money freelancing from scratch. A lot of information, on where to start: how to draw up a portfolio, make an account on the stock exchange and promote it.

Take advantage of Advice. In this section on the Kadrof.ru website, you can ask questions about freelancing and get detailed answers. The consultation was created for beginners to help them.

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